KCSC Origins
On January 5, 1955, eleven avid skiers gathered to found a club to promote their favorite sport, snow skiing. Their foresight, planning, and dedication laid the groundwork for a successful organization that continues today, 65 years later.
Affiliated Ski Clubs
The Kansas City Ski Club is a member of the Flatland Ski Association and participates in the Flatlands Ski Race each year. We recognize a reciprocal membership for members of affiliated ski clubs and they may join on our ski trips as a member (and vice versa.) Members of affiliated clubs should contact the Trip Captain of trips they are interested in or send an email to the KCSC Trip Director at: TripDirector@kcskiclub.org
Club Officers
President: |
Dan Ward |
Eric Ziegenhorn
Vice President:
Matt Knechtel
Treasurer: |
Rich Parrish |
Immediate Past President:
Linda Minson
Auditor: |
Sis Woods |
Trip Director:
Kyle Mueller
Assistant Trip Director |
Vacant |
2nd Year Directors: |
Harold Bert
1st Year Directors: |
Elizabeth Knechtel
Teresa Hannon |
Mitchell Krasnopoler
Craig Lofgreen |
Lori Light
Lana Otto |
Club Awards
Continuous Outstanding Service Award
A member who has contributed at least 10 continuous years toward furthering the goals of the Club through leadership and service.
This award is approved by 2/3 vote of the entire Board of Directors.
1982 |
Bill Gilges |
1997 |
EmanuelTidona |
2003 |
Linda Minson |
2009 |
Alice Cummings |
1985 |
BobThompson |
1998 |
Jerry Lopez |
2005 |
Colleen Kirch |
1987 |
Jim Hamilton |
1999 |
Kathi Harden |
2006 |
Patricia Coffman |
1991 |
Ruthann Bean |
2000 |
Ann McElhenny |
2007 |
Craig Robinson |
President’s Citation
Given to the member who, in the President’s opinion, made the most significant contribution to KCSC and the KCSC race program.
1976 Cheryl Barnes
1977 Ralph Hulse
1978 Dave Steen
1979 Ellen Johnson
1980 Jan Lane
1981 Jim Kirby
1982 John MacDonald
1983 Bob Miles
1984 Tim Caldwell
1985 Jim Hamilton, Keith Jorgensen
1986 Jerry Lopez
1987 Joan Mullin Watanabe
1988 Mary Linda McDonnell
1989 Barbara Grigar
1990 Ruthann Bean, Janie Gilges
1991 John Seward
1992 Emanuel Tidona
1993 Jerry Lopez, Ron Ownby
1994 Cathy Gilson, Robin Gibbons
1995 Jim Matteuzzi
1996 Loretta Rhodus
1997 Doug Kage
1998 Carol Lopez
1999 Tom Stahl
2000 Kathy DeGrande (posthumously)
2001 Jonetta Mohler
2002 Cathy Nees
2003 Sandy Kelly, Ann McElhenny
2004 Dee Grout
2005 DJ Jeselnik
2006 Dawnelle Lorie, Debbie MacRae
2007 Alice Cummings
2008 Dawnelle Lorie
2009 Barbara Ballenger
2010 Matt Phipps
2011 Nancy Cochran
2012 Roy Hopkins
2013 Jim Standen
2014 Kathi Harden
2015 Kim Sincox
2016 Scott Wright
2017 Carol Lunczewski
2018 Rich Parrish
2019 Nancy Cochran
2020 Pat Humphrey
Outstanding Skier
Recognition of those who have made outstanding contributions to the KCSC race program.
1979 Chuck Madden, Linda Kurtz
1980 John Cassidy, Bob Allen, Jane Cassidy
1981 Wes Bolyard, Angela Bolyard
1982 Bruce Talley, Elaine Miller
1983 Harold Bert
1984 Jim Guignon, Mary Linda McDonnell
1985 Jude Nally
1986 Tim Shramek, Lisa Benlon, Mary Butcher
1987 Paul Ghilino, Barbara Huckstep
1988 Al Austin, Gina Ghilino Dryden
1990 Dick Sherbondy, Donna Nally
1991 Frank Moberg, Dianne Darby
1992 Doug Kage, Ann Welsh
1993 Mark Claar, Mary Herring
1994 Bill Nees, John Pickard, Diane Lowry
1995 Dan Crawford, Linda Minson
1996 Bob Thompson, Laura Meyerson
1997 David Schimanski, Colleen Kirch
1998 Richard Hall, Ann McElhenny
1999 Brian Christensen, Ruthann Bean
2000 Jim Lehfeldt, Joe Maggio
2001 Craig Robinson, S.Wendy Constans
2002 David White
2003 Kip Tevis, DJ Jeselnik
2004 Dwaine Hiland, Kathi Harden
2005 Ed Reitz, Kerri Vinyard
2006 Dan Dewitt, Kathy Peironnet
2007 Oleg Stolarsky, Nita Harmes, Debbie MacRae
2008Thom Norbury
2009 Ron Woolford, Cindy Kmiec
2010 Eric Lynn
2011 Anne Kerber, Matt Knechtel
2012 Nancy Cochran, Bill Gilges
2013 Jerry Lopez, Ann Wilkinson
2014 Alan Hood, Gina Selinger
2015 Bill Nees, Carolyn Wasleski
2016 Greg London
2017 Kyle Mueller, Daphne Reitz
2018 Jim Lollis, Peggy Rose
2019 Steve Lee, Pat Humphrey
2020 Lance Gockel, Marie Gockel
Flatland Results
Years Kansas City Ski Club has won:
2025 FSA Telluride Results
Kandahar Winners
1960. .Jim Tierney
1961. .Jerry Shadowen. Stevie Fletcher
1962. .Jerry Shadowen. Lois Kuchenbecker
1963. .Jerry Shadowen. Stevie Fletcher
1964. .Harold Sampson. Janie Gilges
1965. .Russ Bartlett. . . .Carie Burkhardt
1966. .Russ Bartlett. . . .Carie Burkhardt
1967. .Emil Gehrig*. . .Bea Lucas*
1968. .Emil Gehrig. . . .Angie Grass
1969. .Ted Scheske. . . .Sharon Zimmerman
1970. .Russ Bartlett. . . .Jinny Dean
1971. .Dick Jasinsky. . .Laura Williams
1972. .Ted Scheske. . . .Arlene Schumann
1973. .Frank Moberg. . .Arlene Schumann
1974. .Frank Moberg. . .Kathy Tatko
1975. .Frank Moberg. . .Shirley Melton
1976. .Dick Jasinsky. . .Kathy Tatko
1977. . Dick Jasinsky. . .Linda Kurtz. . . . . . . . .Greg Welch. . . . . . . . . . . .Nora Grasis
1978. .Frank Moberg. . .Linda Kurtz. . . . . . . . .Chris Followell . . . . . . . . .Brooke Slezak
1980. .Augie Grassis III Jane Cassidy. . . . . . . .Chris Kaminski. . . . . . . . .Christel Torneden
1981. .Augie Grassis III Jane Cassidy
1982. .Wes Bolyard. . . .Connie Clancy
1983. .Frank Moberg. . .Angela Bolyard
1984. .Frank Moberg. . .Jane Cassidy. . . . . . . .Gordon Gilges. . . . . . . . . .Michelle Nally
1985. .Don Blaylock. . .Mary Butcher. . . . . . .Gordon Gilges. . . . . . . . . .Jennifer Snow
1986. .Dave Earl. . . . . .Lisa Benlon. . . . . . . . .Gordon Gilges. . . . . . . . . .Stephanie Litman
1987. .Frank Moberg. . .Barbara Huckstep. . . .Brett Zinger. . . . . . . . . . . .Stephanie Vande Haar
1988. .Jude Nally. . . . . .Karen Loe. . . . . . . . . .Shaun Swartz. . . . . . . . . . .StephanieVande Haar
1989. .Paul Ghilino. . . .Karen Loe. . . . . . . . . .Brian Harty. . . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Taylor
1990. .Frank Moberg. . .Dianne Darby. . . . . . .Chad Powell. . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Taylor
1991. .Paul Ghilino. . . .Gina Ghilino Dryden. Mark Kanter. . . . . . . . . . . .Kristin Tomc
1992. .Paul Ghilino. . . .Gina Ghilino Dryden. Jason Swinger. . . . . . . . . .Amy Dunn
1993. .Paul Ghilino. . . .Gina Ghilino Dryden. Jay Pickard. . . . . . . . . . . . .Sarah Moberg
1994. .Paul Ghilino. . . .Dianne Darby. . . . . . .Adam Smith. . . . . . . . . . . .Beth Moberg
1995. .Frank Moberg. . .AnnWelsh. . . . . . . . .Erik Moberg. . . . . . . . . . . .Darah Brown
1996. .Gordon Gilges. .Laura Meyerson. . . . .Michael Wall. . . . . . . . . . .Beth Moberg
1997. .Jude Nally. . . . . .Dianne Darby. . . . . . .Michael Wall. . . . . . . . . . .Sarah Moberg
1998. .Brent McCoy. . .Kathy Tacke. . . . . . . .Erik Moberg. . . . . . . . . . . .Beth Moberg
1999. .Gordon Gilges. .Dianne Darby. . . . . . .Erik Moberg. . . . . . . . . . . .Shannon Darby
2000. .Joe Maggio. . . . .Laura Meyerson. . . . .Chris Goddard. . . . . . . . . .Shannon Darby
2001. .Paul Ghilino. . . .Gina Ghilino. . . . . . . .David Halstead. . . . . . . . . .Shannon Darby
2002. .David White. . . .Gina Ghilino. . . . . . . .David Halstead. . . . . . . . . .Devin Airey
2003. .David White. . . .Gina Ghilino. . . . . . . .Chris Goddard. . . . . . . . . .Spenser Airey
2004. .David White. . . .Linda Minson. . . . . . .Austin Roberts. . . . . . . . . .Devin Airey
2005. .DavidWhite. . . .Linda Minson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Emily White
2006. .Oleg Stolarsky… Linda Minson. . . . . . .Clayton Welsh. . . . . . . . . .Katie Jones
2007. .Oleg Stolarsky… Linda Minson. . . . . . .Clayton Welsh. . . . . . . . . .Emily White
2008. .Oleg Stolarsky… Linda Minson. . . . . . .James Stetson. . . . . . . . . . .Kaitlin Goddard
2009. .Oleg Stolarsky… Linda Minson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kaitlin Goddard
2010. .Oleg Stolarsky. .Ashley Brinkman. . . .Nick Burtchell. . . . . . . . . .Abby Kerber
2011. .Oleg Stolarsky. .Linda Minson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abby Kerber
2012. .Oleg Stolarsky. .Linda Minson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abby Kerber
2013.. Oleg Stolarsky…..Anne Kerber
2014.. Oleg Stolarsky ….Gina Selinger
1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Shana Cole
1990 . .Mark Kanter. . . .Kristin Tomc
1994 . .Jason Swinger. . . Katie Swarts
1995 . .Jason Swinger. . . Michelle Nally
1997 . .Brad Cunningham. Beth Moberg
1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Lucke
1999 . .Allen Lucke. . . . Sarah Alliman
2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lauren Airey
2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lauren Airey
2003 . .Nathan Hagan. . . .Lauren Airey
2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brittany Burtchell
* 1967: Bill and Jane Gilges had the fastest times, but Emil Gehrig and Bea Lucas won because of a 5-county residency rule.
The following have been designated as memorial trophies. In order to maintain Club history, the Board of Directors has determined that the wording of the trophies (including retired trophies) should be published on the club website.
Bruce E. Norman Male Outstanding Skier Award
Bruce joined our Club in 1979. He was a popular and active member, serving on at least seven different committees, captaining softball and volleyball teams several times and acting as league manager. He founded and led the Club’s MS-150 Hilltamers bike team. Bruce went on over 35 ski trips with the Club and was a trip captain four times. An intermediate racer, he vowed he would get better and we knew he would.
Life never offered too much for Bruce. Liked by all, he treated everyone as if he had known them forever. He was asked to run for the board and was elected a director. Eleven days before he was to assume that position, Bruce went boating. When his boat was struck by another, Bruce’s life was lost.
This Outstanding Skier award embodies the principles of a quest for excellence in performance, a spirit of friendly competition, and a desire to give back so that our Club can remain strong. That was Bruce. Bruce E. Norman, 1950–1992.
Jude Nally Memorial Trophy—Male Kandahar Champion (retired trophy)
Jude Nally joined the KC Ski Club in 1976. He was active in several areas of the Club, but is best known for his contributions to and participation in the Race Committee. Jude was the Kandahar Champion in 1988 and 1997. His contributions were recognized in 1985 when he was named KCSC’s Outstanding Skier.
Jude made a lasting impression on the KCSC race program. He strove to make the Kansas City Ski Club’s race program the best. He was a mentor to many aspiring racers. He will be a lasting example to all of us about how to win and lose with grace. Future races will never be the same without him, but his presence will be felt and remembered.
Jerry Shadowen Memorial Trophy—Male Kandahar Champion (retired trophy)
At 22, he climbed the Matterhorn, not “because it was there,” but because he hadn’t done it yet. At 27, he entered a rodeo and rode a Brahma bull. At Monday night fitness sessions he attacked the last few laps around the gym as if an Olympic medal was at stake. To be first down through the powder at Winter Park he climbed the hill after the tow closed and spent a long, cold night huddled in a snowbank. In the morning as the patrol went up, he came down. The look on their faces was his reward. On his first ski trip to Sun Valley in 1957, his awkward early efforts and snow-covered appearance led trip mates to tag him affectionately as “the abominable snowman. ”Yet three years later he was Club champion. The original Kandahar trophy, which he retired after three straight victories, was his proudest possession. For the races he laced his long thongs so tight that his boots would come off before his skis. In 1964 he fell down twice, and still won. Smoother, more polished skiers said,